Neuropsychological Assessment

Neuropsychological tests are designed to study a variety of cognitive abilities, including speed of information processing, attention, memory, language and executive functions, which are essential for goal-directed behaviour.

By testing a range of cognitive abilities and examining patterns of performance in different cognitive areas, neuropsychologists can make inferences about underlying brain function and evaluate the presence, nature and extent of brain damage or dysfunction.

Neuropsychological testing is an important component of the assessment and treatment of traumatic brain injury, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, neurological conditions and psychiatric disorders.


Medication or Pharmacotherapy involves the remediation or management of a psychiatric condition through the use of appropriate medication.

Mental health conditions like Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, OCD, Schizophrenia, Drug Addiction, Eating Disorder, Conversion, Personality Disorders, etc. often tend to require medication.

Advancements in science along with greater understanding of how the brain functions has led to more effective, less toxic, better-tolerated and more specifically targeted medicines being available, with potentially fewer side-effects.

Our psychiatrists and neuro-psychiatrists will evaluate your condition and based on your needs they would provide the required psychiatric medication.


Counselling is the professional assistance provided to cope with personal problems, including emotional, behavioural, vocational, marital, educational, rehabilitation and life-stage such as retirement in case of older persons among others.

The counsellor makes use of techniques of active listening, guidance, advice, discussion, clarification and the administration of tests.

During the counselling process, the counsellor and client engage in an interpersonal process as they attempt to define, address and resolve specific problems of the client on a one-to-one basis.

Counselling is a form of confidential helping which seeks to elicit each client’s innate internal resources, coping abilities and strengths.

Counsellors may help clients with specific problems in the present, but they may also support clients with long-term problems stemming from the past too.

Counselling takes place in individual as well as in group settings.

Psychometric Assessment

Psychological assessment includes the gathering and integration of psychology-related data for the purpose of making a formal psychological evaluation.

It is accomplished through the use of tools such as tests, interviews, case studies, behavioural observation, etc.

This is necessary for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment.

Psychological assessment is always performed by a licensed psychologist and mostly consists of paper-and-pencil tests.

This testing normally includes intelligence testing, personality testing and skills testing, among other areas.

It is performed to help a psychologist better understand an individual and provide valuable insights into the individual’s behaviour, skills, thoughts and personality.





About Maviecare

Counselling professional assistance in coping with personal problems, as well as emotional, vocational, marital, rehabilitation, behavioural, educational, and life-stage (e.g., retirement) problems. The registered experienced psychologists or counsellor makes use of techniques of active listening, guidance, advice, discussion, clarification, and the administration of tests. During the counselling process, the counsellor engage in an interpersonal process with their client as they attempt to define, address, and resolve specific problems of the client on a one-to-one basis.
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